Tag Archive for: western NC

6 Things to Do When the Going Gets Tough
Newsletter, Self-CareMany people are struggling right now and barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with an old friend yesterday who is battling depression. “It comes and it goes, but when it returns, I often freeze and forget what helps me the…

Yes. Now is the Time for Radical Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareI am with you. Take a deep breath. We’re all going to be OK.
When I lead retreats, I often guide an exercise where I begin by asking each participant, “What are the calming, self-soothing words you most need to hear right now?" Perhaps…

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Incremental Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week, I was visiting with a dear friend who just started an intense graduate program. She also works full-time and is juggling family demands. Her life feels uber-full, and it's often hard for her to make it to a yoga class, to the hiking…

Many Things Are True At Once
Mindfulness, NewsletterShakespeare said, “Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”
Around the globe, many of us are experiencing deep frustration, pain and despair right now. Others are expanding joyfully in to radical new ways of being and seeing.…