Tag Archive for: wild souls nature adventures;

(Video) Are You Comfortable Living with Polarities?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Whenever I lead retreats at Kripalu, Esalen or 1440, I love to guide my retreat participants through a mindfulness meditation from Richard Miller called welcoming joy's opposite. When it's over, they often share how challenging it is to…

(Video) How Well Do I Know Myself?
Newsletter, Self-Care
Last week I asked myself, "Are you seeing things as they are or are you seeing things as you are?" Knowing ourselves: how we're wired, how we respond to stress and what we need to feel our best, is integral to self-care and being able to…

(Video) What Does Self-Care Mean to Me?
Newsletter, Self-Care
I was visiting with a girlfriend yesterday and we were sharing how the current times feel like the period following a bad car accident. The accident (COVID) happens and you're in shock. For a while you may think, "Everything is fine."…

Feeling Lost or in Limbo? That’s OK!
Newsletter, Self-CareRecently I was leading a retreat for a group of women. While waiting to enter the workshop space one of them asked me, "So how are you doing?" I breathed. Paused. Closed my eyes. And said, "Wobbly." Everyone around me nodded their heads in…

(Video) It is Time to Clean My Lens?
Newsletter, Self-CareWhen my son Jonah was in elementary school and we would get in to a disagreement or a sticky spot (he negotiated everything), he would often hold up his hands in a time-out sign and say, "Mom, can we do a re-set?" I shared with him the value…

How Can I Practice Self-Compassion?
Newsletter, Self-Care, self-compassionYears ago when I was facing a heavy work schedule or juggling a lot of balls, I would push myself harder--convinced that cracking the whip was what I needed to reach the finish line. Those days are long gone. Today I know when I’m navigating…

How Can I Cultivate TRUST?
Meditation, Mindfulness, NewsletterLearn 3 strategies for cultivating more trust in a post-pandemic world.

How Can You Better Support Yourself?
Newsletter, Self-CareI've been teaching men and women the art/science of self-care--which I define as the practice of attuning to your needs and desires moment to moment--for more than 20 years. Over the decades I've observed that when people slow down, pause…

4 ways to feel better now (+ join me in NC!)
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I received some alarming news about a family member. Afterwards, I felt anxious, jumpy and overwhelmed. My brain was so flooded with stress hormones I felt paralyzed and was struggling to remember any of my self-care tools! Can…