Why it’s important to do it different
Mindfulness, Newsletter, UncategorizedThis morning as I prepared to head out to my usual morning yoga class, I remembered hearing about a beginner modern dance class that had peaked my interest. I'm an avid yogi and Nia fan but I haven't done any type of dance in decades. But, spurred…
Meditation could be your sanity saver
Meditation, Newsletter, UncategorizedI feel edgy. And unsettled. And a bit anxious. Between navigating some unexpected bumpiness over the past few weeks, getting over a cold and dealing with my always-pushing-the-boundaries teen, I'm not feeling too grounded. So rather than slide…
7 ways to have a more mindful vacation
MindfulnessI was visiting with a good friend last week who was feeling exhausted, frustrated and saddened that her recent family vacation was not what she had intended. "We crammed too much in, checked our work email too often and didn't build in enough downtime. I don't feel like we really got to connect as a family or take full advantage of our magical surroundings," she shared.
Are you having a growth spurt?
Life BalanceRecently I watched the Ant-Man and the Wasp movie with my husband and son (always a huge feat to find something the three of us will like!). The primary antagonist, Ava Starr can phase through solid matter as a result of a childhood accident involving radiation from the “Quantum Realm” that caused her individual cells to constantly separate and reunite. She repeatedly phases in and out of reality, a condition that causes her constant, excruciating pain.
5 ways to reclaim the rest you need
Self-CareA psychologist friend of mine recently shared that every time we hear our phones ding--or our neighbor's phone vibrate--our cortisol levels rise and our heart rate increases. In the 24/7, wired world we now occupy, most of us are living in a perpetual fight or flight state (we see a triggering text and our body has the same reaction it SHOULD have when we see a bear!).
Your summer of self-care: 9 ways to say no!
MindfulnessI just returned from Ireland and am excited to dive into a creative project I'll be working on this summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am also exhausted from the intense emotional roller-coaster I've been on for the last six months and know I need time for deep relaxation. So this week I'm sitting with how I want to feel on Labor Day and where to direct my energy over the next 90 days. What's your intention for this summer?
Stop creating suffering for yourself (here’s how)
MindfulnessLast month I received some news that was quite painful. But in the week that followed, my thoughts around what had occurred were downright tortuous. Until, in a Nia dance class, I heard my Wise Self say loud and clear, “Renee, don’t create more pain for yourself than is necessary.” This stopped me in my tracks. It helped me to realize my role in what was happening.
7 ways to practice radical self-care
Life BalanceLast month I received some news that was quite painful. But in the week that followed, my thoughts around what had occurred were downright tortuous. Until, in a Nia dance class, I heard my Wise Self say loud and clear, “Renee, don’t create more pain for yourself than is necessary.” This stopped me in my tracks. It helped me to realize my role in what was happening.
Are you stingy with your love? (+Win a retreat!)
This spring marked the 19-year anniversary of my mom’s passing. Healthy and active, she died at age 60 from congestive heart failure as a result of a sudden, serious case of the flu leaving behind six children ages 19 to 34.She’s been on my mind--and in my dreams--a lot lately. I really miss her.
Is your life trying to tell you something?
Life BalanceAt my last UNLEASHED ATX workshop in Austin, I was visiting with two long-time entrepreneurs who both shared they were getting signs it was time to let their business go so they could harness and redirect their energy towards “what’s next.” But, easier said than done. Both have spent years and a good chunk of change investing in their brands and felt torn around the idea of quitting, even if they knew it was the right thing to do (check out this great NPR podcast on the upside of quitting).
Looking for a therapist? Read this first.
MindfulnessWhenever these calls come in, I try and encourage my friends to slow down, step back and approach this process with mindfulness and intention. Take your time to get this right; you’re going to be sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with this person. I’m a big fan of psychotherapy as one of many healing modalities.
Is your pace sustainable (+ 9 ways to say no)?
Life BalanceRecently while I was at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health leading a women's retreat, I met an executive who was the dean at a large medical school. She said they had just added a class on work-life balance and resiliency to their medical school curriculum. But she wonders if her young doctors in training will see the value of this course for their patients–and themselves– as they navigate their intense pace.