How to be a human
Mindfulness, Women's RetreatsNot long ago my husband and I were milling around in the kitchen making breakfast and lunches and preparing for school and work. We looked up and saw our 15 year-old on his computer. My husband took a peek as he walked behind my son’s back—we…

Busy summer? Try incremental self-care
Recently I was visiting with my brother, a management consultant. He just started a new position based in another state, he has a toddler and a blended family, he travels for work and he’s working in an uber-fast-paced industry. We talked…

Set a summer intention (+ 9 ways to say no)
Life Balance
What's your intention for this summer?
Do you plan to slow down and enjoy expanses of unscheduled time with your family? Is there a work or creative project you want to complete by early September? Do you desire to reconnect with…

Are you in transition, too?
Life Balance, MindfulnessTran·si·tion. tranˈziSH(ə)n,tranˈsiSH(ə)n/. noun 1. the process or a period of changing from one state of being or condition to another
I got to connect with some dear friends over the holiday weekend and it seems just about…

Can You Be with What Is?
Meditation, MindfulnessThis morning as I settled into my meditation cushion for my sit, I could feel my chest tighten and an army of "shoulds" line up at the door. As is typical in May with end of school-year activities, I am juggling too much on the work, home and…

When in doubt, do nothing
Meditation, Mindfulness
Our A/C went out yesterday on Mother's Day (it was 95 degrees). This morning, in addition to dealing with a disgruntled teen and catching up at work after being out sick all last week, my husband needed me to deal with A/C repair bids and…

The Best Investment You Can Make
Mindfulness, Women's Retreats
I just returned from an international women's conference featuring personal development, leadership, life purpose and international women's rights speakers from around the world. From authors Elizabeth Gilbert and Marianne Williamson to…

7 Reasons I Practice Self-Care
In 2002, when my son was six months old, I felt a strong but persistent tap on my shoulder from my Wise Self to gather women and explore the age-old question, ”How do we nurture our children and stay true to our own needs and desires?”

5 Self-Care Practices for Uncertain Times
Lately I'm observing how many friends and clients are struggling. Whether it’s swimming through collective stress brought on by the current political climate, navigating a career transition, health crisis or relationship/parenting difficulty,…

Learning to Go with the Flow
Life Balance, Mindfulness
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." – Lao Tzu
In 2016 I created an initiative to support…

What is your life trying to tell you?
Life Balance
At my last UNLEASHED ATX workshop in Austin, I was visiting with two long-time entrepreneurs who both shared they were getting signs it was time to let their business go so they could harness and redirect their energy towards "what's next."…

Why we need each other
“No matter how much we meditate or pray, we still need others to help us dismantle the walls of our isolation and remind us of our belonging.” - Tara Brach
A couple of years ago I was leading a work-life balance retreat for a group…