Is your pace sustainable?
Work Life Balance
Recently while at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health leading a New Way of Being Women's Self-Renewal Retreat I met a woman who was the dean at a large medical school. She said they just added a class on Work-Life Balance & Resiliency…

Shedding the old, making way for the new
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come. Joseph Campbell
I’m doing a lot of shedding right now. Letting things…

8 ways to access your feminine energy
Life Balance
As a life balance coach/author, I speak, teach, write and facilitate experiences to support people in coming into greater balance on all levels, including: being and doing, thinking and feeling, giving and receiving, working and playing…

What we miss by “holding it together”
I’m the oldest of seven, the product of overachievers, a hyper-competent “woman who always has the answers and knows where she’s going." My friends and family see me as the go-to girl who always seems to have it together.

Finding peace through being with what is
As I along with so many others have attempted to digest all of the crises and atrocities we've been observing around the world, I have found myself vacillating between wanting to run out and take action and withdrawing from overwhelm to return…

The power of pausing
Women's Retreats
This month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- training new team members, scheduling women's retreats and workshops, setting up new office systems and vetting new partnerships--that I have found it almost impossible to hear myself…

Feeling called to take action? Read this first
Mindfulness, Self-Care
I just got back from leading a self-renewal retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health for 50 women from across the US and Mexico from their 20's to their 70’s; our theme was Embracing the Wild Unknown. I love leading retreats…

Change the way you look at things
Mindfulness, Women's Retreats
I’m moving across the floor in Nia class and finding myself becoming more and more annoyed with the woman dancing in front of me.
The room is packed—it’s a farewell class for one of our dear members who’s moving out of state—yet…

Why it’s essential to “do less” this year
I'm noticing that lately I'm waking up many mornings--even after a good night's sleep--feeling tired. Actually, wiped out and exhausted. My guess is with all the chaos, uncertainty and unrest we're facing both near and far -- that many of…

9 self-care practices I can’t live without
I continue to swirl in a vortex of feelings after the amazing Women's March on Austin this past weekend (read Why I Am Marching). It was incredibly powerful and emotionally exhausting. As a result of all the stimulation and tumult from…

Why I’m marching (and hope you’ll join me)
Women's Retreats
This Saturday, January 21st, more than a million women and men from around the US and the world will be gathering in Washington, D.C. for the Women's March on Washington and participating in Sister Marches around the globe (click here to…

4 questions I’m asking before I leap into 2017
Mindfulness, Self-Care
I love the month of January in many ways. As a coach/speaker/author who has spent almost 30 years studying, writing and teaching in the area of human potential and transformational growth, this window of time--ripe with possibility--always…