3 reasons to take a digital detox
Today marks my first day back in the office after a week unplugged (no computer use, email, TV/movies and only minimal phone use). I spent the time working in my garden, writing, swimming, doing creative visioning for my business, walking…

7 ways to get the vacation you really need
I was visiting with a good friend last week who was feeling exhausted, frustrated and saddened that her recent family vacation was not what she had intended. "We crammed too much in, checked our work email too often and didn't build in…

Finding the answers to your biggest questions
Life & Career Coaching
Remember, the entrance to the sanctuary door is inside you. ~Rumi
In my former life as a career strategist, I worked for years with successful men and women around career changes and aligning "who they are with what they do." One of the…

My initiation into summer
Life Balance
Yesterday a dear friend and I met up for a Nia class. She has three teenagers, so it's precious time when we get to connect. We got the date wrong, the studio was empty and we found ourselves sitting in the hot car deciding what…

Self-care & risk-taking: tea with Jennifer Louden
When I was about to release the first edition of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life in 2005, I reached out to a few wise voices for an endorsement. Jennifer Louden was at the top of my…

3 ways to slow down this summer
One of my touchstones for gauging how fast–or slow–I’m living, is noticing if I have a vase of fresh herbs and flowers on my desk. When I’m living the life I desire, I create the time to meander in my garden and pick colorful, fragrant…

6 ways to find comfort in uncertain times
Last week I had a brush with someone I’ve known a long time who acted uncharacteristically rude and unkind. While their behavior was immature and irrational, rather than rise up to counter him, I just walked away and let it be. This…

Men need self-care, too
This past Sunday afternoon everyone in our family had competing desires: my son wanted to have a friend over, I wanted to get a massage and my husband wanted to play at a house concert with his band. We juggled and all ended up getting our…

Are you choosing love … or fear?
Women's Empowerment
This past Sunday evening on Mother’s Day, I returned home from an amazing retreat feeling euphoric and transformed. My husband and son picked me up from the airport. My teen had just returned from a late-night sleepover so my expectations…

Self-care is a journey, not a destination
This past weekend my husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. We got married 16 years ago, thirty days after my healthy 60 year-old mother died suddenly from the flu. My father had died four years earlier at age 56 from a heart…

What we crave: connection & community
Women's Empowerment
Recently after speaking at a women's leadership conference on work-life balance, I was approached by a woman from the audience, her eyes were filled with tears.
She said while sitting listening to me talk about the importance of building…

Maybe it’s time to re-frame your circumstances?
Life Balance, Mindfulness
I was once at a workshop with mindfulness teacher Tara Brach where she shared a line about a son who sends his mother a telegram that reads, "Start worrying. Reasons to follow shortly." I love this!
Have you ever found yourself in an…