Tag Archive for: balance

Get Real. How Well Do You Know Yourself?
emotional self-care, Life Balance, NewsletterRecently I got a call from an old career coaching client. Her company had presented her with a yet-to-be flushed out dream opportunity, but she was so hyper-focused on finalizing details of the job description, she was missing the bigger picture:…

Get Real. How Well Do You Know Yourself?
Life Coaching, NewsletterRecently I got a call from an old career coaching client. Her company had presented her with a yet-to-be flushed out dream opportunity, but she was so hyper-focused on finalizing details of the job description, she was missing the bigger picture:…

Yes. Now is the Time for Radical Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareI am with you. Take a deep breath. We’re all going to be OK.
When I lead retreats, I often guide an exercise where I begin by asking each participant, “What are the calming, self-soothing words you most need to hear right now?" Perhaps…

(Video) How Are You Caring for Your Heart?
emotional self-care, Newsletter“In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” ― Rumi
Whew, last week was an intense one for me. I was navigating…

8 Tips for Re-Balancing & Finding Your Center
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently I led a virtual self-care workshop for parents in the communications field. Most are navigating working from home, a changing educational landscape and parenting in uncertain times. Erin, one of the attendees, shared with me through…

Self-CareWe just finished a wonderful dinner of New Mexican red chile roasted veggie enchiladas. We were joined by some dear neighbors and before everyone headed home we gathered our four sweet children ages five to nine for a school year blessing (they…

A Different Way
MindfulnessIn fall 2008 I was nuts.
Launching my first book, coordinating our global Personal Renewal Group program and running two coaching/consulting businesses was eating my lunch.
I felt like I was in the middle of a tug of war (with each of my businesses…

Is Ms. Balance Out of Balance?
Work Life Balance
My back and shoulders hurt from too much computer time. I’m not sleeping great (too many late nights online). My mind is too busy. I’m more reactive. And, I’m not as present as I’d like to be with my family and friends.
“When are…

Is Life Balance Possible?
Life Balance
This past Thursday I delivered a keynote at a conference to a great group of mid to senior level professionals in the cable television industry.
The topic was Reclaim Your Life: Strategies and Insights for Balanced Living.
I love watching…

Going Inward (or Outward)?
I feel like the "push me pull you" animal from Dr. Doolittle's world today.
I have a deep desire to be introspective, reflective and go inward today as I review 2009, think about what I learned over the past year and begin to open up to 2010…

Balance from the Inside-Out
Work Life Balance
September has always been like the start of the New Year for me.
I have launched businesses, started new jobs, rolled out new business models, embarked on back-to-back speaking sprints and unveiled new creative endeavors around this time…

How does balance feel to you?
Life BalanceAlthough I enjoyed a long walk with a good friend around Town Lake Saturday morning and a relaxing dinner at home with my family Saturday evening (we made some wonderful fish tacos on fresh corn tortillas), I found myself feeling crabby and…