Tag Archive for: meditation

Want to feel more peace-full? Here’s how
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast week, I had one of those days: double booked appointments, a miscommunication with a vendor, tech gremlins gone wild, a lost check and the list goes on. Suddenly everything felt like it was going from bad to worse. My torrent of negative…

Feeling out of sorts? Start with self-compassion
Mindfulness, NewsletterEver notice when you've moved into a place where you see everything that's not working, rather than everything that is?
Yesterday I found myself in this space. I paused. Then, I stepped on to my back porch to enjoy a tall glass of self-compassion…

When in doubt, sometimes it’s best to do nothing
Meditation, NewsletterYesterday I woke up with a tight chest and my mind was bouncing all over the place. We were staying in an Airbnb thousands of miles from home, preparing to move our only child in to his college dorm room after the school tested him--and the…

What’s helping me now? Being with what is
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast Thursday evening--the night before my son's 18th birthday--we were in a near-fatal car accident and my car was totaled. The next day I learned my keynote addresses and retreats for the spring were all cancelled due to the pandemic. Now…

Letting go = peace of mind
Mindfulness, Newsletter, UncategorizedLast week, I had "one of those days" .... double booked appointments, a miscommunication with a vendor, tech gremlins gone wild, a lost check— and suddenly everything felt like it was going from bad to worse. I was trying to wrap up an intense…

Meditation could be your sanity saver
Meditation, Newsletter, UncategorizedI feel edgy. And unsettled. And a bit anxious. Between navigating some unexpected bumpiness over the past few weeks, getting over a cold and dealing with my always-pushing-the-boundaries teen, I'm not feeling too grounded. So rather than slide…

Meditation saves me from myself
Meditation, Mindfulness"I'm sorry. For everything. Can you forgive me?"
This was the text I sent to a beloved Sunday night coming off of a two-day silent meditation retreat with Adyashanti.
Meditation always brings me to new understandings. Sometimes to supreme…

Don’t just do something, sit there
Meditation, MindfulnessI feel edgy. And unsettled. And a bit anxious. Between the bomb violence in Austin last week (my hometown), the current political climate, the wonderful but emotional March for our Lives rallies on Saturday and my always-pushing-the-boundaries…

Can You Be with What Is?
Meditation, MindfulnessThis morning as I settled into my meditation cushion for my sit, I could feel my chest tighten and an army of "shoulds" line up at the door. As is typical in May with end of school-year activities, I am juggling too much on the work, home and…

When in doubt, do nothing
Meditation, Mindfulness
Our A/C went out yesterday on Mother's Day (it was 95 degrees). This morning, in addition to dealing with a disgruntled teen and catching up at work after being out sick all last week, my husband needed me to deal with A/C repair bids and…

Why meditation is good self-care
Mindfulness, Self-Care
My sleep has been very erratic this month. While I'm practicing self-compassion (I'm navigating a lot of hormonal shifts like many my age), I believe the primary cause of my sleepless nights is due to an overly-busy mind. This wake-up call…

3 self-care practices that keep me sane
Self-care is not about adding something to your to-do list, it's about cultivating a kinder, gentler relationship with yourself. Renee Trudeau
Our family is navigating some big transitions this month (who's not, right now?!). As I shift…