Tag Archive for: renee trudeau

Begin Anew
Life BalanceYesterday (March 20th), marked the March equinox—a time when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night are nearly equal in all parts of the world.
It’s a time when light and dark come into balance. And while…

When I Fill My Cup First
Self-CareI spoke last week to a group of career coaches. Most of them were women. And, many of them came up to me after the presentation and wanted to talk about self-care.
I encouraged them to consider joining a Personal Renewal Group, attending one…

Doing Mania
Work Life Balance This is the time of year that many of us feel more like human doings than human beings.
Yesterday afternoon, my husband and seven-year old son went out to work on costumes for one of my husband’s upcoming Samba gigs.
I had been looking…

Dancing with the Devil
SpiritualityThe “devil” –if he lives—is our own negative thought patterns dragging us through the dirt into a self-created hell. Whether we choose or refuse this dance is fortunately up to us. Anonymous
Have you ever had something really “bad”…

Going Inward (or Outward)?
I feel like the "push me pull you" animal from Dr. Doolittle's world today.
I have a deep desire to be introspective, reflective and go inward today as I review 2009, think about what I learned over the past year and begin to open up to 2010…

Balancing Feelings
Self-CareI lost my mom suddenly and unexpectedly in 2000—thirty days before my wedding day. She was 60 when she died. If she were still alive, today would have been her 70th birthday.
For some reason, this year in particular feels especially tender.

Your Stillpoint
Work Life BalanceLast week, over the course of several days, we received a handful of emails and phone calls from entrepreneur clients and colleagues sharing the news that their start-up businesses were not where they needed to be financially at year-end and…

Life BalanceI define life balance as having enough time, energy and resources for those things that are most important to me.
So is feeling overwhelmed—the suitor currently knocking on my door asking for a dance-- what happens when this is not the case?

We’re All Connected
Women's Empowerment“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Growing up with my six siblings, the phrase we often heard from my mom as…
Tag Archive for: renee trudeau

October 24-26th ~ Awakening Your Wild Soul: A Women’s Self-Renewal Retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health