Tag Archive for: self-care for moms

(Video) Where Do I Need to Course Correct?
Newsletter, Self-CareSocrates said, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
For years I worked in healthcare communications and designed huge outreach plans to encourage people to shift towards…

(Video) What Does Self-Care Mean to You?
Newsletter, Self-CareI'm leading a women's circle this spring focused on sovereignty and the art/science of self-care. Why? I've experienced so many gifts from my daily self-care practice over the last 20 years that it's motivated me to want to continually support…

Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I was in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted psychologist, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles.
Richard talked…

Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I remember being in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted teacher, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles.

Is your self-care superficial?
True replenishment comes from the inside-out.
The following is an edited excerpt from my good friend Lisa Grace Byrne’s new book, Replenish: Experience Radiant Calm and True Vitality in Your Everyday Life. After Lisa was inspired…

Sometimes Self-Care Takes (gasp!) Discipline
I’m not sleeping well. I haven’t for the last few weeks.
Yes, I’m going to bed at the same time each night, staying tech-free after 8 p.m., getting daily exercise, steering clear of caffeine and generally staying with my same calming…

Imagine A World Where ……
Self-Care A few days before Thanksgiving, I attended a yoga class. As I lay on my back relaxing before the teacher began, I could hear the light, easy, excited chatter in the room. You could feel the anticipation: a holiday break was coming!
Why were…

Right Here, Right Now
Self-CareFollowing a rich, connective one-day self-renewal retreat I facilitated on Friday, I attended and volunteered at GenAustin’s statewide We Are Girls Conference at the Ann Richards School for Girls all day Saturday. It was an emotionally intense…

Being Seen
Self-CareMy sweet son just turned eight.
His class has a beautiful ritual of honoring each child on their birthday with a song circle and accolades. My husband and I attended Jonah’s birthday circle last Friday and the experience really moved me.

Doing Mania
Work Life Balance This is the time of year that many of us feel more like human doings than human beings.
Yesterday afternoon, my husband and seven-year old son went out to work on costumes for one of my husband’s upcoming Samba gigs.
I had been looking…

Don’t Be Afraid of Your Shadow
MindfulnessTraditionally the days before my Jan. 7th birthday are often the darkest days of the year for me. I often get sick—which is rare—and any anxieties, worries or fears that might have been buried over the past year, surface like long forgotten…

Life BalanceI define life balance as having enough time, energy and resources for those things that are most important to me.
So is feeling overwhelmed—the suitor currently knocking on my door asking for a dance-- what happens when this is not the case?