Tag Archive for: self-compassion

Do you take time to celebrate … life?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Saturday evening my husband and I went out to a new restaurant for a celebration dinner.
Did something big and exciting happen that deserved a grand toast? No. But, lately we noticed we’re focusing more on what’s wrong rather than…

Many things are true at once
Mindfulness, Newsletter
“Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” ~Shakespeare
Around the globe, many of us are experiencing deep frustration and despair right now. Others are expanding joyfully into new ways of being and seeing. And most…

Do You Need a Fresh Perspective?
MeditationI’m having a lot of “not good enough” thoughts come up right now around parenting. Some days, all I can do is take it hour by hour, breathe and pray. My productivity at work has suffered and I’m finding myself hopping on the worry train way too often.

Be gentle with yourself
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve…

3 self-care practices that keep me sane
Self-care is not about adding something to your to-do list, it's about cultivating a kinder, gentler relationship with yourself. Renee Trudeau
Our family is navigating some big transitions this month (who's not, right now?!). As I shift…

Give yourself a break
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
Growing up I was often inspired by my parent's generosity towards those less fortunate. They would write checks to causes, donate household items, handout food to the homeless, sponsor foster kids to attend community events and encourage…

What does self-care mean to you?
Last week I connected with some powerful national presenters and we discussed the concept of self-care. Like many, they see self-care as something you "should do" for your physical health (exercise, eat well, get enough sleep), but that's…

Sometimes Self-Care Takes (gasp!) Discipline
I’m not sleeping well. I haven’t for the last few weeks.
Yes, I’m going to bed at the same time each night, staying tech-free after 8 p.m., getting daily exercise, steering clear of caffeine and generally staying with my same calming…

Serving Up Self-Compassion
Yesterday I felt like I was swimming through mud.
I was feeling judgmental and self-critical and everywhere I turned, all I could see were barriers and road blocks.
During my morning meditation (the one thing that usually always cleans my…

What Does Self-Care Mean to You? (…and our winner!)
We received more than 300 entries into the Year-of-Self-Care Retreat Giveaway and as I sat reading these moving, inspiring, wise, sometimes funny and very real
shares--in response to "What Does Self-Care Mean to Me?"-- what touched me deeply…

Self-CareLast week I had a day where I felt like I was swimming through steel cut oatmeal (as my west Texas therapist friend Donna likes to say).
I was judgmental and finding fault with every person, group, situation, scenario I was bumping up against.

This past weekend, my family headed to the Texas coast for a 48 hour date with Mother Nature.
We have not taken a vacation since my husband was laid off last summer from his software job (he’s on a short-term contract gig right now) and…