Tag Archive for: self-renewal
5 Great Ways to Start Your Day
Newsletter, Self-CareLately, my schedule has been really erratic. I've been traveling over the last two weeks and my typical, nourishing daily routines took a back seat. But the one thing I stick to as much as possible—no matter where I am—is entering the day…
5 Great Ways to Start Your Day
Newsletter, Self-CareLately, my schedule has been really erratic. I've been traveling over the last two weeks and my typical, nourishing daily routines took a back seat. But the one thing I stick to as much as possible—no matter where I am—is entering the day…
5 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Partner
Newsletter, Self-CareEverywhere I turn my friends and clients are navigating choppy waters in their most intimate relationships. The current economic and political climate combined with all the epic changes over the last three years are challenging even the strongest…
Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Incremental Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week, I was visiting with a dear friend who just started an intense graduate program. She also works full-time and is juggling family demands. Her life feels uber-full, and it's often hard for her to make it to a yoga class, to the hiking…
7 Reasons to Choose Love Over Fear
Newsletter, Self-CareI remember a few years ago pulling up at my local polling place to vote and seeing a long line wrap around the building. The anxiety in and around the voting space was thick and palpable. After ten minutes of waiting, I almost turned around…
Are You Honoring Your Journey?
Newsletter, Self-Care“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi
I woke up last Saturday morning, looked at myself…
Are You Honoring Your Journey?
Newsletter, Self-Care“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi
I woke up last Saturday morning, looked at myself…
(Video) The Reminder We Probably All Need Now
Newsletter, Self-CareEveryone I know has shared how challenging the last two weeks have been. Collectively and individually many of us have been navigating emotionally-wrought times. Even if your own life seems stable, we're all affected by what happens in the "collective"…
(Video) Are You Making Connection a Priority?
emotional self-care, Newsletter, Self-CareI woke up Monday morning feeling replenished and hopeful about the week ahead. My well was full. My fun, adventurous, intentional social connections over the weekend had fed me on so many levels!
Often social connection and friend time falls…
4 Ways to Feel Better Fast
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I received some alarming news about a close friend. Afterwards, I felt anxious, jumpy and unsettled. My brain was so flooded with stress hormones, I felt paralyzed and was struggling to remember any of my self-care tools!
(Video) How Are You Caring for Your Heart?
emotional self-care, Newsletter“In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” ― Rumi
Whew, last week was an intense one for me. I was navigating…
8 Tips for Re-Balancing & Finding Your Center
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently I led a virtual self-care workshop for parents in the communications field. Most are navigating working from home, a changing educational landscape and parenting in uncertain times. Erin, one of the attendees, shared with me through…