3 questions to help you feel more connected
emotional self-care, Newsletter, UncategorizedI recently led a self-care retreat for a group of women leaders. At the end of the day, a participant came up to me and tearfully shared, “I had no idea how badly I needed that. Not just the connection with other women, but re-connecting with…

A life-changing skill I wish everyone knew
Newsletter, support system, UncategorizedThe week before final exams my freshman year in college, my 44-year-old dad had a massive heart attack. I was devastated (as was my entire family). But what really saddens me as I look back on that rough time, was that I didn’t reach out for…

9 gifts I’ve uncovered while living in the unknown
Career Coaching, Newsletter, UncategorizedAre you moving through a career change, health crisis or relationship challenge? Are you in a big life transition and asking "What's next?" Do things seem particularly intense for you right now? For many of us it feels…

Find peace of mind: take a digital detox
Mindfulness, Newsletter, UncategorizedI recently took a week off from work to unplug (no computer use, email, TV/movies and only minimal phone use). I spent the time pulling weeds in the early morning, journaling, doing creative visioning for my business, taking evening strolls…

Struggling? Start with self-compassion
Newsletter, self-compassion, UncategorizedMy husband and I are really struggling around parenting right now. Some days, all I can do is take it hour by hour, breathe and pray. I'm not sleeping well, so my energy is low, my productivity at work has suffered and my joy for life is ebbing…

Letting go = peace of mind
Mindfulness, Newsletter, UncategorizedLast week, I had "one of those days" .... double booked appointments, a miscommunication with a vendor, tech gremlins gone wild, a lost check— and suddenly everything felt like it was going from bad to worse. I was trying to wrap up an intense…

My month in the mountains: lessons on being human
Life Balance, Newsletter, UncategorizedI just returned from a month-long writing sabbatical in Brevard, NC, a journey I’ve made for the last three summers. Although the month was more of a lesson in being with what is (what a roller coaster June was!), I am always grateful for…

6 things to do when the going gets tough
Newsletter, Self-Care, UncategorizedMany people are struggling right now and barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with a dear friend yesterday who is battling depression. “It comes and it goes. But when it returns, I often freeze and forget what helps me most;…

Navigating a career or life transition? Here’s help
Career Coaching, Newsletter, UncategorizedIn 2000 I combined my 15 years of experience and training in organizational/leadership development, communications strategy, corporate coaching and personal branding, and launched my first business—a career coaching and consulting firm dedicated…

Why it’s important to do it different
Mindfulness, Newsletter, UncategorizedThis morning as I prepared to head out to my usual morning yoga class, I remembered hearing about a beginner modern dance class that had peaked my interest. I'm an avid yogi and Nia fan but I haven't done any type of dance in decades. But, spurred…

Meditation could be your sanity saver
Meditation, Newsletter, UncategorizedI feel edgy. And unsettled. And a bit anxious. Between navigating some unexpected bumpiness over the past few weeks, getting over a cold and dealing with my always-pushing-the-boundaries teen, I'm not feeling too grounded. So rather than slide…