Tag Archive for: covid-19

(Video) Are You Allowing in the Support You Need?
Newsletter, Self-CareI was visiting with a friend who recently lost her mother and is in a deep well of grief. We talked about what she most needed right now. Upon reflection, she realized that she's receiving a lot of offers for support (massages, meals, help with…

(Video) Are You Resisting … or Allowing Life?
Mindfulness, Newsletter, Women's RetreatsThis past week I talked to several clients and friends across the US who shared they feel: "Unsettled. In limbo. Anxious. Stagnant. Disrupted and disoriented. Exhausted and overwhelmed. Unable to plan. Tired." I like to remember we're all…

5 Ways Retreats Can Change Your Life
Newsletter, Self-Care, Women's RetreatsThroughout my 20s and 30s when my chest tightened from overwork and I could feel overwhelm lapping at my door, I would increase my work pace, thinking, “I just need to move faster and get more done.” Much of this stemmed from an entrenched…

4 ways to feel better now (+ join me in NC!)
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I received some alarming news about a family member. Afterwards, I felt anxious, jumpy and overwhelmed. My brain was so flooded with stress hormones I felt paralyzed and was struggling to remember any of my self-care tools! Can…

What is being illuminated for you NOW?
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently at a porch happy hour with a few friends I asked, "What have you learned about yourself in the last year and what in your life is wanting to shift?" The responses were diverse but passionate. It was clear everyone had been doing some…

What makes you come alive?
Newsletter, Self-CareWhat makes you come alive?

5 reasons to schedule a retreat today
Newsletter, Women's RetreatsThroughout my twenties and thirties when my chest tightened from overwork and I could feel overwhelm lapping at my door, I would increase my work pace, thinking, “I just need to move faster and get more done.” Much of this stemmed from an…

The only 2021 new year’s resolution you’ll need!
living intentionally, NewsletterWhenever these calls come in, I try and encourage my friends to slow down, step back and approach this process with mindfulness and intention. Take your time to get this right; you’re going to be sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with this person. I’m a big fan of psychotherapy as one of many healing modalities.

Pause. Are you honoring your journey?
Mindfulness, NewsletterAfter experiencing waves of COVID-related grief and loss (I miss traveling for work and teaching terribly!), I woke up last Friday morning, looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "Wow, you've aged. Look at those circles under your eyes;…

Pause. Are you honoring your journey?
Mindfulness, NewsletterAfter experiencing waves of COVID-related grief and loss (I miss traveling for work and teaching terribly!), I woke up last Friday morning, looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "Wow, you've aged. Look at those circles under your eyes;…

Your homework this week: 4 hugs a day!
Newsletter, Stress ManagementI love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on bear hug, complete with belly contact and a stout, strong, enveloping embrace. She…

What new way of being do you want to keep?
living intentionally, NewsletterRight after 9/11 my inbox was flooded with emails and my phone was ringing off the hook.
At the time, I was still working as a career strategist, helping people map out their career/life direction and integrate who they are with what they do. …