Tag Archive for: mindfulness;

Why Rituals Matter (and where to begin)
Newsletter, Women's RetreatsLife is not a thing to be managed, it is a mystery to be lived.
Last weekend my only son graduated from college in Wisconsin. The night before he walked across the stage, my husband and I gathered in an Airbnb with my five siblings—who had…

Pause. Are You Honoring Your Sacred Journey?
Newsletter, Self-Care“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi
Every Sunday morning I facilitate a movement…

Pause. Are You Honoring Your Sacred Journey?
Newsletter, Self-Care“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi
Every Sunday morning I facilitate a movement…

How Do You Make People Feel?
Mindfulness, Newsletter“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou
It's a big week for my family. My 22 year-old son is graduating from college this…

Is Your Pace Humane? 8 Ways to Slow Down
Mindfulness, NewsletterOne day I found myself sitting in my car in a downtown Austin parking garage feeling exhausted. All day, I had been juggling traffic, conference calls, schedule changes and work requests from clients. Now, I couldn't find a parking spot, I was…

What Do You Need This Summer (+ 9 ways to say “no”)?
Newsletter, Self-CareLast Thursday morning after my nature-based workout, my friend Laura asked me to join her and her kids to pick strawberries. Thinking of the mountains of emails and event contracts that awaited me and before, “No, I have to get to my office,”…

Don’t Believe Everything You Think!
Mindfulness, Newsletter“The truth is, we don’t know what’s going to happen—we just think we do. Often we make a big deal out of something. We blow up scenarios in our minds about all the terrible things that are going to happen. Most of the time we are wrong.…

When We Change Our Perspective, We Change Our Thoughts
Mindfulness, Newsletter, self-compassionLast week a dear friend was lamenting about how overwhelmed and exhausted she was feeling. She was being critical about her perceived inability to "manage it all." I listened quietly, gave her a long hug and asked," Have you perhaps forgotten…

The Gifts of Discomfort (+ tips for redesigning your life)
Mindfulness, Newsletter"Life has a way of saying, "Hey, come back over here, reconnect." The only way that you'll actually wake up and experience freedom is if you have the capacity and courage to stay with the vulnerability ... and the discomfort."-Tara Brach
I was…

Is Your Pace Sustainable (+ 9 ways to say no)?
Newsletter, Work Life BalanceRecently while I was at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health leading a women's retreat, I met an executive who was the dean at a large medical school. She said they had just added a class on work-life balance and resiliency to their medical school curriculum. But she wonders if her young doctors in training will see the value of this course for their patients–and themselves– as they navigate their intense pace.

Why I Love to Create Disruption
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Ever feel like you're sleepwalking through your life: doing the same things day after day, eating the same foods, having the same conversations and thinking the same thoughts? Author Wayne Dyer said, "Change the way you look at things and…

If it Doesn’t Flow, Let it Go!
Life Balance, Newsletter
The other day, my husband and I met with our builder about a new construction project we've been working on for two years. It appeared to us that things were not lining up to support our dream and we asked to pause, meet and have a heart-to-heart…