Tag Archive for: spirituality

Do you take time to celebrate … life?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Saturday evening my husband and I went out to a new restaurant for a celebration dinner.
Did something big and exciting happen that deserved a grand toast? No. But, lately we noticed we’re focusing more on what’s wrong rather than…

How (and why) to embrace your shadow
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhile I love celebrating Christmas as a season of light and time of spiritual renewal, sometimes the days before and after this sacred holiday can be a bit dark for me. Between the cold, grey weather, honoring my deceased mother's Dec. 20th…

10 ways to nurture your soul (and a new video!)
Over the years, our career coaching clients have shared that one of the biggest gifts they receive from working with our team is being challenged to imagine what is possible in their lives and careers: to shed the shackles of their expectations,…

Your Stillpoint
Work Life BalanceLast week, over the course of several days, we received a handful of emails and phone calls from entrepreneur clients and colleagues sharing the news that their start-up businesses were not where they needed to be financially at year-end and…

We’re All Connected
Women's Empowerment“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Growing up with my six siblings, the phrase we often heard from my mom as…

What Would Your Wise Self Say?
Life Balance I am the oldest of seven children and at the ripe old age of 44, the matriarch of our family. (My parents died suddenly in their fifties, all our grandparents have passed and we have no living aunts or uncles.)
Out of the six of us who are…

Are You “In Integrity” with Yourself?
Self-CareIf a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry David Thoreau
Recently I attended a wellness conference with…

Running From Myself
MindfulnessWhat if you embarked on a long, arduous journey that led you the top of a mountain where a wise, sage sat waiting to deliver to you the one piece of knowledge that would allow you to fulfill all of your wildest dreams?
And, after you received…

Self-CareOne of our favorite family activities is to visit the Sunset Valley Farmer’s Market each Saturday morning, choose some yummy things to eat for the day/week and come home and enjoy a wonderful leisurely lunch together.
This past Saturday,…

Spirituality I had a very unusual upbringing (read more). My parents were what most people would call spiritual “seekers.”
Questions about how we connect to our divinity or the sacred --what most people refer to as spirituality--were constantly on…

Everyday Spirituality
So, I have shared with many of you that I'm on a six-week writing sabbatical. (I'm a big believer in claiming "chunks" of time for creative endeavors--truly the only way you're really able to play with an idea on a deeper level!).

SpiritualityHave you ever been stuck in a way of seeing things or doing things and you know it isn’t working for you, but you can’t see how to find your way out of this pattern? (Uggh, that can feel uncomfortable!!)
And then, you recommit to your own…