Tag Archive for: stress

7 tips for staying sane this holiday season
emotional self-care, NewsletterMy brother and sister-in-law cancelled Christmas. Not really. But they did make the choice to postpone hosting a large family gathering because they just don't have the extra energy to pull this off. I get it. And, I'm hearing stories just like…

Nature: the ultimate anti-depressant (10+ ideas to get you outside)
Newsletter, Stress ManagementLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?

Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I remember being in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted teacher, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles.

Is your self-care superficial?
True replenishment comes from the inside-out.
The following is an edited excerpt from my good friend Lisa Grace Byrne’s new book, Replenish: Experience Radiant Calm and True Vitality in Your Everyday Life. After Lisa was inspired…

3 types of stress
On a scale of 1-10, most days, how stressed are you? If you asked your partner (and kids) the same question, what would their number be?
My son and I just returned from visiting my brother and his family in Celo, North Carolina, a small…

8 ways to enjoy a stress-free vacation
Recently our family was invited to visit friends for the weekend at their cabin on the river a couple hour’s drive from our house.
Two days before we were going to leave, my husband and I were frantically creating lists of all the…

Stress=Living in the Future
Life BalanceYears ago I remember being in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted teacher, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles.
He used…

Work Life Balance
We recently returned from our visit to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. The trip was wonderful in many ways --though not very relaxing (as those of you with young, very active kids know). But overall, I was really grateful for…

Spirit Food
Self-CareIsn’t it interesting how your mood or state of mind can swing from such extremes in the course of just a week?
This week I juggled numerous work, staffing, personal and technical challenges and felt, many times, like I just wanted to get…

Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Work Life Balance
Photo: Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Irleland, August 2007, Renee Trudeau
The two weeks before Thanksgiving were really stressful for me. I was feeling pulled in too many directions by work, had countless deadlines breathing down my back…