Are You Prioritizing Friendships (+why you should)?
emotional self-care, Newsletter, Self-CareThe other day I met up with a dear friend who is my soft place to fall. She encourages me to show up messy, tender and fully myself. She sees my creativity and generosity AND my tendency to be controlling and too goal-oriented. She accepts…

(Video) What Do You Most Need Right Now?
Newsletter, Self-CareThis month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- working on our new web site, training new team members, booking new speaking engagements and workshops, vetting new partnerships--that I have found it hard just to hear myself think.

(Video) Are You Taking Time to Pause?
Mindfulness, NewsletterThis month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- working on our new web site, training new team members, booking new speaking engagements and workshops, vetting new partnerships--that I have found it hard just to hear myself think.

(Video) Many Things Are True at Once
Mindfulness, NewsletterThis month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- working on our new web site, training new team members, booking new speaking engagements and workshops, vetting new partnerships--that I have found it hard just to hear myself think.

Tips for Taking a Personal Retreat (+ why you should)
Newsletter, Self-Care, women's retreatThis month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- working on our new web site, training new team members, booking new speaking engagements and workshops, vetting new partnerships--that I have found it hard just to hear myself think.

Crazy Busy Schedule? Try Incremental Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I was visiting with my brother, a management consultant. He just took on a new client, he has a toddler with special needs and a blended family, he travels for work and he’s working in an uber fast-paced industry. We talked about…

Could Meditation Be Your Sanity Saver? 5 Ways to Begin
Mindfulness, NewsletterI feel edgy, unsettled and a bit anxious. Between navigating several big life transitions, a move to a new home and some unexpected changes in my business--I’m not feeling too grounded. So rather than slide into my typical MO of over-doing,…

8 Ways to Reclaim Your Personal Power
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor/speaker Renee Trudeau offers women 8 ways to reclaim their power.

(Video) Do You Push or Allow Things to Happen?
Mindfulness, Newsletter“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is a paradox: what is soft is strong.”―…

(Video) How Can I Calm My Mind?
Mindfulness, Newsletter"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." Mahatma Gandhi
Recently I had an ah-hah about my body, mind and nervous system and how a new unhealthy habit was affecting my sleep, ability to release worry and stress,…

7 Reasons to Choose Love Over Fear
Mindfulness, Newsletter, Self-CareI remember a few years ago showing up at my local polling place to vote and seeing a long line wrap around the building. The anxiety in and around the voting space was thick and palpable. After ten minutes of waiting, I almost turned around…

Is Your Life Too Crowded?
Mindfulness, NewsletterEver feel like you're a robot going through the motions and living on auto-pilot? If this feeling creeps in to my day, I know it's time to pause and re-assess. I desire to feel awake, alive, joyful, engaged and curious--in all areas of my life!…