3 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion
“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.”
― Radical Acceptance
Once I was at a retreat and the facilitator said, “The way we talk to ourselves, is the way we talk to others.” These words have stayed with me. I have found the gentler, kinder and more self-accepting I can be with myself, the better for all. This week I’m getting real, unpacking all my unrealistic expectations and embracing “good is good enough”. Watch a 2-minute video on how I invite in more self-compassion:
Want more? Read 4 Ideas for Self-Compassion. And, drop me a line, I’d love to hear where this lands with you this week.
If you’d like personal support for practicing the art of self-compassion and exploring new ways of being, join me and soulful, like-hearted women from across the southeast US and beyond on Friday, April 25th from 9-5 pm for “Tending Your Creative Fire: A Women’s Self-Renewal Retreat.” Fly in and make a weekend of it (fly in to Asheville, Charlotte or Greenville). The early bird rate was just extended for a limited time. Join us here or at another 2025 event.
- April 25, 2025 ~ Tending Your Creative Fire: A Women’s Self-Renewal Retreat ~ 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Lake Logan Retreat Center, Canton, NC (20 min. from Asheville). Join women from across NC and the Southeast US as we enjoy a day of deep replenishment, renewal and sisterhood. Special discount for Hurricane Helene victims. An ideal retreat to bring family/friends to and enjoy a weekend in the Blue Ridge mountains. Early bird rate available for a limited time. Learn more/register here.
- Schedule me to speak in 2025-26. Did you know my primary work is speaking professionally at national/regional conferences, employee events and to companies/organizations worldwide? I love weaving neuroscience, life balance strategies, mindfulness & resiliency practices to create unforgettable workshops & presentations that help people feel more creative, focused, resourced and alive. Learn more about my speaking here.
- Lead women’s groups/retreats! Secrets to Facilitating Life-Changing Women’s Groups/Retreats in Uncertain Times ~ an online, self-paced mentoring course. Would you like to empower women in your area in 2025 through facilitating women’s groups/retreats? Based on Renee’s 30+ years experience training 450+ facilitators and teaching at world-renowned retreat centers like Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, this supportive, empowering on-demand video course offers everything you need to start facilitating women’s circles and retreats. Only $195. Learn more.
- Wild Souls Nature Adventures (based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western NC): authentic movement classes, community song circles, full moon hikes, meditation/resiliency workshops, women’s circles & more. Have me design a custom experience for your team/friends. Join us Sunday, April 6th, for our next Wild Souls Authentic Movement Classes near Asheville, NC. Learn more.
Subscribe here to Live Inside Out, a weekly blog written by mindfulness coach/author/speaker and self-care evangelist Renée Peterson Trudeau. Passionate about helping men and women find balance through the art/science of self-care, Renee has been facilitating high-impact, interactive workshops for Fortune 500 companies, national nonprofits/conferences and organizations/teams worldwide for 25 years. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Fast Company, Good Housekeeping, US News & World Report, AARP, Spirituality & Health and more. She and her team have certified more than 450 facilitators in 10 countries around the globe to lead self-renewal groups/retreats based on her pioneering self-care curriculum. She’s the author of two books on life balance including the award-winning The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life. Renee and her husband live in Western North Carolina and they have one son in New York City. Her latest venture is Wild Souls Nature Adventures. More on Renee here.