(Video) Three Questions to Ask Before You Enter 2023
In the spring of 2011, on a warm, vibrant weekend in the Texas Hill Country, I took a personal retreat to sit with the question, “What is uniquely mine to do?” That Saturday while mediating in my cabin, I received an inspiration from my deceased father to encourage my family, friends and loved ones to live inside out. (More here on how to live inside out.)
That experience (and subsequent movement) had a profound impact on my life and work. Four books and hundreds of women’s circles and retreats later, I am still curious about what that means and looks like for me–and those I serve–day to day. This New Year’s week, I am “living inside out” and asking three questions as I reflect on where I’ve been–before I decide where I want to go next. Join me!

Every week I ask myself a “live inside out” question to help me live in greater alignment. Yesterday I went to the Blue Ridge Parkway to journal and contemplate this week’s questions.
I’d love to hear your answers to my three questions–shoot me an email! Like this theme and want more? Here are some tips for starting your day intentionally And if you’d like support for getting clear on how you want to BE and FEEL in 2023, join me Jan. 27-29 for Awakening Your Wild Soul at Kripalu or Feb.-April in Western NC for Sovereignty: A Women’s Mastermind Group for healers/teachers/creatives and small business owners (details below). If not now, then when?
- **Available for a limited time; download today.** Still, Dark & Quiet: A Deep Rest Virtual Retreat. A delicious winter retreat to enjoy 24/7 from your home (recorded on the Winter Solstice). Enjoy Yoga Nidra deep relaxation, poetry, song & stillness; $49. Learn more/register.
- *NEW* Live in Western NC? Feb–April (dates TBA)~ Sovereignty: A Women’s Mastermind Group (in-person) for women leaders, teachers, healers, creatives and small business owners. Six Thursday evenings. Brevard, NC. Email info at reneetrudeau dot com to receive a pre-invite to see if space is still available. Learn more.
- Jan. 27 – 29th ~ **Almost full!** Awakening Your Wild Soul: Women’s Self-Renewal Retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, my fav retreat center (don’t delay; this deeply replenishing, meditative winter retreat is almost sold out). I’ll be back at Kripalu leading this retreat April 14-16 and Oct. 13-15! Learn more.
- Wild Souls Nature Adventures (based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western NC): authentic movement classes, community song circles, full moon hikes, meditation workshops, women’s circles and more. New offerings are listed each week; have me design a custom experience for your team or friends. Learn more.
Subscribe here to Live Inside Out, a weekly blog written by life balance coach/author/speaker and self-care evangelist Renée Peterson Trudeau. Passionate about helping men and women find balance through the art/science of self-care, Renee has been facilitating high-impact interactive workshops for Fortune 500 companies, national nonprofits/conferences and organizations worldwide for 25 years. The president/founder of Career Strategists, her work has appeared in The New York Times, Fast Company, Good Housekeeping, US News & World Report, Yoga Journal, AARP Magazine, Spirituality & Health and more. She and her team have certified more than 450 facilitators in 10 countries around the globe to lead self-renewal groups based on her pioneering self-care curriculum. She’s the author of two books on life balance including the award-winning The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life. She and her husband live in Western North Carolina and Austin, Texas; her latest venture is Wild Souls Nature Adventures. More on Renee here.